Friday, February 13, 2009

I am following in the sisters footsteps...

I am officially announcing to those who havn't already recieved a crazy phone call from me that I have been accepted into the Lords university (just kidding)! I am going to BYU in the fall and I am very excited and I will hopefully be able to sleep again and my hair will stop falling out! I have been very stressed, but all is well and I am going to my first choice college! To celebrate I have eaten 4 slices of Papa johns heart shaped thin slice pepperoni pizza and cold stone's ice cream with oreos and rainbow sprinkles mixed in. I am well on my way to gaining the freshman 15. Now all I have to worry about is if my roomate is going to think i'm strange because i set my alarm 15 times a night or whether she will embrace me. I am making no sense in this post because I am so hyper so I am going to finish here!


Emile Gibson said...

So, by "following in your sisters' footsteps" do you mean going to BYU, or gaining the freshman fifteen? Cus if you really want to keep me up with me you have to gain the freshman fifteen twice. Are you up to the challenge?

Birches said...

Never had the freshman 15. Its called living in DT without Dining Plus. I guarantee you'll lose weight. Maybe I should try that again . . .


Emile Gibson said...

Unfortunately, you can't even live in DT anymore. Lame. U hall pride, right here.
And for the record, I've given Heroes a try. I usually watch the first fifteen minutes with Daniel and then have to leave the room because it's either so lame, or so violent that I can't handle it anymore. I'll take Jess over Peter any day.

Lizzy Meppen said...

Heroes is too violent for you? Don't you like "Saving Private Ryan" or something? I plan on gaining the freshman 50, it's the new thing in college, I will love it!

The Hot Heifers said...

That was your hair falling out in the brush? You should have told me that before I slapped Maggie around.

Emile Gibson said...

Since when were you a car person?

Lizzy Meppen said...

what Anna?...