Thursday, October 2, 2008


In high school, as many of you know, their are distinct seperate clicks. We all know them and are familiar with them, we may have even been in them. There's your preps, goths, smart asians, jocks, goofballs, governer school kids, punks, emo's, misfits (NA), and the kids who wear sweatpants with the elastic band around the bottom of the legs and have t-shirts that say things like "Virginia is for Losers". Then there are kids like me who actually notice these things and go home evry night and ponder the different groups and wonder why they are the way they are.

Recently my little sister Maggie acquired a skateboard, a "big girl" skateboard as we all call it. It has a skull and crossbones on the bottom and looks very threatening. This would all be ok if my little sister weren't only 9 years old and still wearing cinderella panties to school each day. What can i say, she picked the skateboard out herself. Along with the scary looking skateboard she got knee pads, elbow pads and gloves especially for skateboarders. None of us have the heart to tell her that Tony Hawk doesn't skate with pads stuck to his body to protect his elbows and knees from harm, like Maggie.

Maggie has fallen in love with her new skateboard gloves and likes to wear them around the house and when she eats and stuff, she thinks they make her look cool and like a hardcore "skater". This morning before going out to the bus stop she asked my mother if she could maybe wear them to school. My mother agreed, not really listening because it is 7:00 in the morning and she stays up till 3:00 on a regular basis.

When Anna and I got home form school we found out that Maggie had worn her new gloves to school. We kind of chickled and told my mom that the emo kids, those known for cutting themselves and for embracing peculiarity, often wear gloves just like the ones that Maggie had on at that same moment. My mother quickly called Maggie over and told her she couldn't wear them to school anymore, just when she is skateboarding. Maggie quickly asked why and this was the ensuing conversation:

Mom- "Because bad kids wear them and they are like a ...gang symbol or something, we dont want them to think you are bad or in a gang or something."

Maggie- "What bad kids? I love these gloves, i want to wear them to school!"

Mom- "Those emu... or something kids, they are all in gangs and wear gloves like that, that's why you can't wear them anymore."

Maggie- " What's an emu?"

Lizzy (me)- "Well actually it is a large bird."

Mom- "You're not helping."

Anna and Cameron in the background laughing their butts off.


Lizzy Meppen said...

Molly, you get a prize if you can find all of the grammar mistakes in this blog! Get going!

Molly said...

really? I didn't know you did them on purpose. I'll email you a list and highlight my changes. In red.

Emile Gibson said...

Oh. my. gosh. I love this.
You're officially my favorite person right now.

Birches said...

You have to careful not to judge the Emu kids too harshly. They're just trying to find their place in the world; somewhere in between the Gothic Ostriches and the Punker Penguins.


Shalene said...

LOL Lizzy, your blog is hilarious!

Emile Gibson said...

Hi, my name is Emile. I am one of your faithful readers. Unfortunately, I'm afraid you're dead. Please post something new soon, so that I may know whether or not my fears are founded. Thank you.
-A gentle reader.

The Hot Heifers said...

She's not dead, just lazy...