Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just getting started

Now that my sister and brother-in-law are in Russia, and don't have phone access for the summer, I thought I would keep in touch through our blogs! Plus they have been begging me to get one for months now, so I will conform and become perhaps the only single person with a blog, I'm such a loser! I hope you're happy Molly, I will put up all kinds of pictures and keep updates on our family so that we don't lose touch completely while you and Charles are eating Borscht and living in a drafty apartment. I, however, will not be writing about how much I love my husband and why he is the sweetest guy nor will I write when my baby is due, because I don't have either of those things, yet. But I will make an effort to write about the bizarre things that happen in my life and make my life interesting and fun to live. And Molly, i have one request for you, please don't comment on the various grammatical mistakes I make, this blog is supposed to be fun and we can't all be grammar Nazis!


Birches said...

It's always fun when a new person decides to start blogging! In case you feel like stopping by, Veronica and I are at birchbunchco.blogspot.com and McKenna and Jared are at gardnersthree.blogspot.com

Do you want me to add your site to our links list?


Megan said...

Your not the only single with a blog!